Photo by Dimitri Bong on Unsplash

No Documented Medical Value

The DEA and the federal government are not alone in viewing smoked marijuana as having no documented medical value. Voices in the medical community likewise do not accept smoked marijuana as medicine.

Voices in the Medical Community

There is no current scientific evidence that marijuana is in any way beneficial for the treatment of any psychiatric disorder. In contrast, current evidence supports, at minimum, a strong association of cannabis use with the onset of psychiatric disorders. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to harm, given the effects of cannabis on neurological development.

American Psychiatric Association

Our AMA discourages cannabis marijuana use especially by persons vulnerable to the drug’s effects and in high-risk situations; supports the determination of the consequences of long-term cannabis marijuana use through concentrated research, especially among youth and adolescents; and supports the modification of state and federal laws to emphasize public health based strategies to address and reduce cannabis use.

American Medical Association

Marijuana is a mood-altering drug capable of producing dependency. While popularly thought to be a fairly benign ‘drug,’ marijuana can have adverse effects on memory and learning, perception, behavior and functioning, and on pregnancy.

The American Society of Addiction Medicine

…does not advocate inhaling smoke, nor the legalization of marijuana

American Cancer Society

Although marijuana can lower the intraocular pressure, the side effects and short duration of action, coupled with the lack of evidence that its use alters the course of glaucoma, preclude recommending this drug in any form for the treatment of glaucoma at the present time.

The American Glaucoma Society

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